“Such a cold and a bitter time”

As the 12th of January nears, I like to play a song by Michael Smith (http://www.artistsofnote.com/michael/) called “The Ballad of Dan Moody.”  Some know it as “Roving Cowboy.”  Three cowboys rob a train on the 12th of January, which is described as “such a cold and a bitter time.”  This is a song as dramatic, and cinematic, as any folk song I can think of.  Chuck Mitchell (www.mitchellsong.com) has done a riveting version of it in concert, calling it a song about doing the wrong thing for the right reasons.  A rodeo chum of the three cowboys tries to keep them on the straight and narrow, but ultimately there is a terrible tragedy. Accompanying the sheet music for this song, in Michael’s book “Songs from Bird Avenue,” where Michael has the song in F, but I play it in G, there’s a photo of a little kid playing cowboy and shooting a couple of toy six-guns.  Been there!

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